Saturday, February 5, 2011

Welcome to my journey: PHILIPPINES.

So my journey has begun.. a journey of new people, new cultures and customs and new experiences. I have begun a journey of God. I am where he wants me, right here and now in this exact place. The feeling is incredible and I stand in awe. My experiences and encounters with people and God are a challenge for me to even begin to describe and paint that picture but here is an essence of the past month. My journey began in the Seoul airport in South Korea where our team of five came together. Let me introduce: Vanessa, Justin, Sarah and Yvonne. All of us are binded and connected in a crazy cool way and it's simply God. Each of us are a piece to our puzzle. We spent 3 weeks in Batangas, Philippines staying on two different YWAM bases working with ywam and just simply serving them and their families and the people of their villages. Anywhere from bible studies to sermons to leading praise and worship to playing duck duck goose or running through the streets barefoot playing tag with the filipino children or meeting with the natives on the streets to talk about God's love, we have accomplished so much where God has desired. Our prayer is that the work we have done has been planted seeds that will quickly grow and flourish in not just Batangas but all throughout the country of the Philippines. We pray that everywhere we walk people will notice God's love shining through us and that they'd be so drawn to that love and the plan he has in their lives. This is the beginning of this journey God has taken me on. The beginning of something beautiful, I am blessed to be used by him. This is the Philippines.

This is just the quickest update I could give. More later for I have very minimal computer and wifi access.

1 comment:

  1. tates! love your photos! i just wanted to ask how are you? and what has happened to your FB? miss you girl, gimme the news! bises
