Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dream a little dream

Dreams are a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during our sleep. Well, according to that is. What are they really though? Why do we have them? Do they play some sort of role in our lives or have purpose or meaning? I have been so curious and fascinated with this very thing so much lately.

I just recently read an article about sleep and what it says about ourselves. There were eight different types of sleepers: the early-to-bed early-to-rise sleeper, the late-to-bed late-to-rise sleeper, the long sleeper, the dreamer, the dreamless sleeper, the grateful sleeper, the peaceful sleeper, and the necessity sleeper. I am by far both the late-to-bed late-to-rise sleeper and the dreamer. I go to bed so late and sleep-in so late. Although it use to be the other way around and I couldn't sleep-in past 10, I still can be a morning person. I love to plan to get up early and watch the sunrise while sippin my chai in my giant red mug. Red is my favorite color and chai is my favorite hot drink and I prefer sunrise over sunset so it is one hot sweet combination my friends. Anyways, this is all besides the point.

So I sleep late, yes, but I also dream EVERY night. I actually dream all the time. Sometimes I dream during the day when I drift off which, yes, I do a lot. I've always been a very spacey person, which, don't confuse it for stupid I just drift off in my own thoughts and think about the craziest things and it makes me wonder just how lost one could get it they every dared to enter my brain! Anyways. So I dream.. a lot.. and I want to know why! In this article I read, it talked about "the dreamer" as someone who typically is very creative in their waking life, which I agree is very true about me, but it also said that they are at higher risk for schizophrenia! Probably not a surprise considering I talk to myself....often.

For the past couple months thought I have been keeping a dream journal. I record as many dreams as I can remember. I keep it beside my bed at all times just incase I wake up and I write it down right away. I still seem to remember every single one...vividly. It's fascinating to look back on the dreams and compare it to what was going on in my life at the time. I sit and wonder though why dreams are the way they are. It's like being in a movie and watching it all at the same time while you're asleep. I get excited to go to sleep at night just so I can dream, and I'll have something to do even while sleeping! Pretty neat.

But why did God give us dreams? Are they suppose to have meaning? Some people may say that they don't mean anything but I beg to differ. I've learned from my dreams. YES, I have! Strangely enough and the more I write down my dreams, the more I dream.. it's weird. I want to believe that the dreams I have could be premonitions but I don't know if I'll get that lucky depending on the dream of course. So that is why I am writing it all down. I think it'd be cool to have this deja vu experience one day and then go back to my journal and read that I had a dream about it two months ago or 3 years ago, ya never know!

I want to know, what do think???? Is there a meaning behind dreams? Should they be analyzed? I'm very curious so, please, share your thoughts or even a crazy dream that you've had lately. I love to hear about these silly things that hapen while we're asleep. Oh let's entertain Tatum :)

I encourage you to write down your dreams more often even if you don't dream that much. Keep a piece of paper or a little journal beside your bed and as soon as you wake, WRITE IT DOWN. Think about who was in your dream and what happened.. think about what could be the meaning of it, for the sake of it having meaning. I will continue to do this every morning and pray that God sheds some light on this ever so crazy subject consuming my mind as it does.

Here's the article I read, check it out!

dream journal:)

1 comment:

  1. ah tatum love! i love this dream post of yours, i'd love to keep a dream journal too! what a lovely book you have:)
